Can you lend a hand? 

Friends of Wood End needs you!

At Wood End School each year group is allocated one FoWE fundraising event / activity. The 2023-2024 allocation is outlined below, along with suggested dates for the events / activties.


Year Group Event / Activity Suggested Date
Nursery Pre-loved uniform sale New parent meetings in July (x2)
Reception School Disco Friday 04/11/23
Year 1 Christmas Fair Friday 01/12/23
Year 2 Outdoor Event (previously Fun Run) Sunday 19/05/24
Year 3 Summer Event Saturday 29/06/24
Year 4 Pre-loved uniform sale One per term
Year 5 Parent Event (previously Quiz Night) Saturday 10/02/24
Year 6 Christmas Cards Autumn Term


Although each year group is reponsible for organising one of the FoWE events, on the day we need volunteers from across the school to make them happen and ensure that everyone is safe and able to enjoy themselves. If you can spare an hour or two to help it would be much appreciated.


As well as the larger events there are also plenty of smaller events where an extra pair of hands would be appreciated such as: . 

  • Serving refreshments at Sports Day?
  • Helping to tidy and stock-check the FoWE Container.
  • Being on the stall at one of our second hand uniform sales (sorting, setting-out stock, or packing it away after).