Breakfast Club

7.45am – 8:45am, school days

£6.75 per session including breakfast.  Payable half termly in advance via Arbor.

Busy Bees, Care-4, Computershare, Edenred, Fair care, Fideliti, Kiddivouchers, R G Childcare(rewards), Sodexo and HM Tax free childcare payments are accepted.

Breakfast Club is run by fully qualified Wood End staff for children from Nursery to Year 6. It is held in the KS1 hall Nursery to Year 2 and KS2 hall/dining room and computer suite, Years 3 to 6. 

Activities keep the children busy until school starts. A light breakfast of  toast, cereal, yoghurt and a drink is provided.  They are very open areas that are visible to all. At the end of Breakfast Club children are taken to their classroom by a member of the Breakfast Club team.

Contact the school office or visit the school website for further information.

To request a place please complete the attached form and return to Mrs. O'Sullivan in the school office.