Nursery Application

The next academic year starting 1st September 2024 for children born 1st September 2020 to 31st August 2021. 

Online Application for admissions September 2024 have now closed

If you require assistance please contact the school office 01582 761636 or email

Applications Open

Monday 8th January 2024  

An online Google Form will be available from this date, on this page. 

Nursery Tours for
Prospective Parents

Thursday 18th January 2024 at 9.15am 
Thursday 8th February 2024 at 9.15am 
Tuesday 27th February 2024 at 9.15am 

Parents / Class Page / Nursery

Application Deadline

Monday 4th March 2024 

You can submit your applications up to 12 pm on this date for consideration. Applications received after this date will not be considered for a nursery place until the week commencing 25th March 2024

Offer Date

Monday 18th March 2024 

Where possible we will email you with the outcome of your application on this date. Notification letters will be posted to any application that has indicated that they are unable to receive information electronically

Accept your Place

Monday 25th March 2024 

Last date for accepting the place offered.  Please ensure that you have accepted the place in writing. 
Unsuccessful applicants in the first round may be offered places after this date.


Admissions Criteria

If applications to Wood End Nursery exceed the number of places available, then the following set of admission criteria, or rules, are used to decide which children to offer places to:

  1. Children in public care (children looked after).
  2. Children for whom it can be demonstrated that they have a particular medical or social need to go to the school. Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs which names the school will be allocated a place in accordance with section 324 of the Education Act 1996. 
  3. Children who have a sibling at the school at the time of application, unless the sibling is in the last year of the normal age-range of the school i.e. Year 6.
  4. Children for whom this is their nearest school.
  5. Children who live nearest to the school (children not considered under rule 4 will be considered under rule 5).

The Allocation of morning and afternoon places

We are asking on the application form for your preference for either a morning or an afternoon place.  In allocating places, we aim to ensure that all children have an equal opportunity to gain from their Nursery experience and that the needs of the individual child, as well as the needs of the school community, are reflected in the decisions made.  The school will ensure that the provision at both morning and afternoon sessions meets the appropriate objectives within the curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage, and that children are not disadvantaged by whichever session they are allocated. The school will also ensure that the number of practitioners in each session is within the legal requirement (ratio 1:13).

The need to ensure there is an effective mix of gender and age in each session, to ensure the school is offering the best educational and social experience to all the pupils, is recognised as being of prime importance.

The final decision will be taken by the school in discussion with the Nursery staff.  All identified factors will be taken into account and the basis of the decision will be confidential. 
The school will confirm in writing to parents which session their child has been offered by the end of March 2024.

Right of Appeal:  Parents are asked not to telephone the school to discuss the allocation but appeal in writing to the School giving the circumstances to be taken into account. 

30 Hours free childcare

This was a new entitlement for working parents of 3 and 4 year old children which was introduced in September 2017.  This is an additional 15 hours per week entitlement in addition to the child's existing 15 hour free early education place.

If you qualify for 30 hours free childcare, any hours in excess of this will be charged at £7.33 per hour.  A full day in Nursery is 8.45 am to 3.30 pm, 6.75 hrs per day.  
If staying full days a packed lunch will be required.  Please indicate this on your application form.

Who is Eligible?  It is the parents responsibility to apply for 30 hours free childcare via the online HMRC eligibility checker. 
Parents will receive a voucher code if they are eligible which should be entered on the application form. 

For up-to-date information on eligibility please visit

Families are able to check their eligibility at


Breakfast club is available to Nursery children from 7:45 to 8:45 (includes a light breakfast)  visit the page 'Our school / Breakfast Club' .

Jousters 'After School' club will also be offering places for Nursery children.  Information  Please contact them directly to book.


Nursery Application

The next academic year starting 1st September 2024 for children born 1st September 2020 to 31st August 2021. 

Online Application for admissions September 2024 have now closed

If you require assistance please contact the school office 01582 761636 or email

Applications Open

Monday 8th January 2024  

An online Google Form will be available from this date, on this page. 

Nursery Tours for
Prospective Parents

Thursday 18th January 2024 at 9.15am 
Thursday 8th February 2024 at 9.15am 
Tuesday 27th February 2024 at 9.15am 

Parents / Class Page / Nursery

Application Deadline

Monday 4th March 2024 

You can submit your applications up to 12 pm on this date for consideration. Applications received after this date will not be considered for a nursery place until the week commencing 25th March 2024

Offer Date

Monday 18th March 2024 

Where possible we will email you with the outcome of your application on this date. Notification letters will be posted to any application that has indicated that they are unable to receive information electronically

Accept your Place

Monday 25th March 2024 

Last date for accepting the place offered.  Please ensure that you have accepted the place in writing. 
Unsuccessful applicants in the first round may be offered places after this date.


Admissions Criteria

If applications to Wood End Nursery exceed the number of places available, then the following set of admission criteria, or rules, are used to decide which children to offer places to:

  1. Children in public care (children looked after).
  2. Children for whom it can be demonstrated that they have a particular medical or social need to go to the school. Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs which names the school will be allocated a place in accordance with section 324 of the Education Act 1996. 
  3. Children who have a sibling at the school at the time of application, unless the sibling is in the last year of the normal age-range of the school i.e. Year 6.
  4. Children for whom this is their nearest school.
  5. Children who live nearest to the school (children not considered under rule 4 will be considered under rule 5).

The Allocation of morning and afternoon places

We are asking on the application form for your preference for either a morning or an afternoon place.  In allocating places, we aim to ensure that all children have an equal opportunity to gain from their Nursery experience and that the needs of the individual child, as well as the needs of the school community, are reflected in the decisions made.  The school will ensure that the provision at both morning and afternoon sessions meets the appropriate objectives within the curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage, and that children are not disadvantaged by whichever session they are allocated. The school will also ensure that the number of practitioners in each session is within the legal requirement (ratio 1:13).

The need to ensure there is an effective mix of gender and age in each session, to ensure the school is offering the best educational and social experience to all the pupils, is recognised as being of prime importance.

The final decision will be taken by the school in discussion with the Nursery staff.  All identified factors will be taken into account and the basis of the decision will be confidential. 
The school will confirm in writing to parents which session their child has been offered by the end of March 2024.

Right of Appeal:  Parents are asked not to telephone the school to discuss the allocation but appeal in writing to the School giving the circumstances to be taken into account. 

30 Hours free childcare

This was a new entitlement for working parents of 3 and 4 year old children which was introduced in September 2017.  This is an additional 15 hours per week entitlement in addition to the child's existing 15 hour free early education place.

If you qualify for 30 hours free childcare, any hours in excess of this will be charged at £7.33 per hour.  A full day in Nursery is 8.45 am to 3.30 pm, 6.75 hrs per day.  
If staying full days a packed lunch will be required.  Please indicate this on your application form.

Who is Eligible?  It is the parents responsibility to apply for 30 hours free childcare via the online HMRC eligibility checker. 
Parents will receive a voucher code if they are eligible which should be entered on the application form. 

For up-to-date information on eligibility please visit

Families are able to check their eligibility at


Breakfast club is available to Nursery children from 7:45 to 8:45 (includes a light breakfast)  visit the page 'Our school / Breakfast Club' .

Jousters 'After School' club will also be offering places for Nursery children.  Information  Please contact them directly to book.