At Wood End we have two key committees each of which reports to the Full Governing Body
Almost all of the school’s income comes from Herts County Council (HCC). The school receives a delegated budget which is intended to cover all day-to-day running costs. HCC will also provide services, some of which will be centrally funded although increasingly these need to be funded from the school income.
The resources committee aim to secure best value in all its services to schools, parents and pupils. The school is free to raise extra funds through voluntary contributions from parents and from letting of the school premises.
It is the role of the resources sub-committee to ensure that an annual budget plan is prepared and agreed with the Full Governing Body. It also ensures that the school has put in place appropriate financial controls and monitors that those controls are followed. As the academic year progresses, actual costs are compared with the budget plan, and any variances have to be approved.
The resources committee also deals with specific personnel issues as they arise. The committee is responsible for monitoring the school to ensure that it carries out all aspects of staff management in accordance with employment law. The resources committee is responsible for the production and review of all policies relating to staff recruitment, dismissal, discipline, wellbeing, development, performance management and equal opportunities. A regular schedule of policy review ensures that these comply with the latest statutory regulations.
The Curriculum Committee meets twice each term. The chair of the Curriculum Committee reports to the governing body at full governor meetings. Responsibilities of the committee include contributing to the planning and monitoring of all aspects of the curriculum and of teaching and learning. It considers how the curriculum could be enhanced for the benefit of all students and the wider community. The committee also has the duty of ensuring that the school complies with all statutory obligations in this area.
The work of the committee includes the regular review of a number of school policies, for example policies for subject areas, assessment and homework, behaviour, Gifted and Talented pupils, Inclusion, and relevant aspects of the whole school equality policies (race, disability and gender).