PTA Constitution

The Constitution of the Wood End School Parent-Teacher Association

.         NAME

(a) The Association shall be named ‘The Wood End School Parent-Teacher Association’

2.         AIMS

(a) The objectives of the Association are to:

  • Enhance and advance the educational environment of the pupils of the school and;
  • Foster relationships between staff, parents and others associated with the school (including the local community)

In furtherance of these objectives, the Association may organise social, educational and fund-raising activities.

3.         MEMBERSHIP

(a) All parents and guardians of children attending school and all serving members of staff are automatically members of the Association.

(b) Eligibility for membership will cease for parents and guardians on the day their child leaves the school and for staff on the day they leave the school’s employment.

(c) The Association retains the right to exclude members should it become apparent that they, or any one they are directly connected with, should pose a danger, or reputational risk, to either the school or the Association.

4.         COMMITTEE

(a) The management of the Association shall be vested in a committee.  Whilst no formal ‘sign-up’ is required, the committee will represent all members and consist of those members who support the Association by committing to regular attendance at committee meetings. 

(b) The committee shall elect officers, who will represent the Charity Trustees for Charity Law requirements, to include Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and other officers as necessary.  There, at all times, should be a minimum of 4 elected officers. The roles  of the elected officers may be shared between more than one individual should the need arise.  The Head Teacher of the school (or his/her nominated representative of staff) shall also be a non-elected officer of the committee, a role that does not entail being a  Trustee.

(c) Each of the officers shall retire every two years but be eligible for immediate re-election with the exception of the Treasurer who is not re-electable for one year thereafter.

(d) Any Committee member absent from meetings, for whatever reason, for a period of three months without submitting an apology for absence shall cease to be a member of the committee.

(e) The committee may appoint sub-committees as necessary.  Such sub-committees shall report to the committee regularly and act in accordance with terms agreed by the committee.

(f) The Head Teacher of the school shall have the right to attend committee meetings and be appraised of the activities of the Association.

5.         MEETINGS

(a) A minimum of one committee meeting shall be held each term.  A minimum of 5 committee members (to include 2 officers) shall constitute a quorum for a committee meeting.

(b) All committee members shall have one vote in a committee vote. The Chair holds the casting vote.

(c) Should an elected officer or Committee member have any personal interest in a matter being discussed, it is expected that they will declare their interest and leave the room or not take part in any vote as necessary.

(d) The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the Autumn term. The AGM will be considered quorate subject to the same conditions as paragraph 5 (a).

- All parents and staff shall be invited to attend in writing, at least 14 days in advance of the meeting.
– Officers of the committee shall present reports of the preceding year’s activities.
– Officers of the committee shall be elected for the following year.
– Nominations for the incoming elected officers positions will be announced and the new officers elected in appropriately.

(c) Special General Meetings may be called at the discretion of the elected officials or at the request of a minimum of 20 committee members.  This request must be made in writing and submitted to the committee chairman stating the objective of the special meeting. 

- Notice of 21 days must be given to all members of any special general meeting
– 20 members (to include a minimum of 5 committee members and representation from both parents and teachers) shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of passing resolutions put to a special general meeting.

6.         FINANCE

(a) The Treasurer shall keep accounts of all income and expenditure, in accordance with the Charities Act 1993 and shall be required to produce an appropriately externally scrutinised  set of finanicial statements reflecting the year’s records at the AGM.

(b) The Treasurer will also be responsible for preparing and submitting all other annual reports, returns and statements of account as required by Charity Law.

(c) The External Examiner shall be appointed by general agreement of the committee and may not be a member of the committee.

(d) Bank accounts shall be operated in the name of the Association and withdrawals shall be made on the signatures of two of the authorised signatories.  The Officers shall appoint authorised signatories.

(e) The Officers shall be responsible for the funds and properties of the Association.

(f) The property and funds of the Association must only be used for promoting the objectives of the Association.

(g) All money shall be spent at the discretion of the Head teacher of the School in consultation with staff and the committee.

(h) Members of the Association shall not receive payment either directly or indirectly for their services but shall be re-imbursed for expenses incurred on behalf of the Association.

(i) Any assets remaining on dissolution of the Association after satisfying any outstanding debts and liabilities shall be given to the school for the benefit of the children.

7.         GENERAL

(a) The Association shall take out public liability and personal accident insurance to cover its meetings, activities, officers and committee.(b) The Association acknowledges that the Head Teacher of the school should have the right of veto on all decisions, excepting changes to this constitution, at his/her sole discretion.

(c) No alteration to the constitution may be made except at the AGM or a special meeting called for this purpose.  Alterations shall receive the assent of two thirds of the members present and voting at an AGM or special general meeting.  In the event of a split vote, the Chairman shall have the casting vote. 

(d) Any matter not provided for in the Constitution shall be dealt with by the committee who decision shall be deemed final.  

PTA Constitution

The Constitution of the Wood End School Parent-Teacher Association

.         NAME

(a) The Association shall be named ‘The Wood End School Parent-Teacher Association’

2.         AIMS

(a) The objectives of the Association are to:

  • Enhance and advance the educational environment of the pupils of the school and;
  • Foster relationships between staff, parents and others associated with the school (including the local community)

In furtherance of these objectives, the Association may organise social, educational and fund-raising activities.

3.         MEMBERSHIP

(a) All parents and guardians of children attending school and all serving members of staff are automatically members of the Association.

(b) Eligibility for membership will cease for parents and guardians on the day their child leaves the school and for staff on the day they leave the school’s employment.

(c) The Association retains the right to exclude members should it become apparent that they, or any one they are directly connected with, should pose a danger, or reputational risk, to either the school or the Association.

4.         COMMITTEE

(a) The management of the Association shall be vested in a committee.  Whilst no formal ‘sign-up’ is required, the committee will represent all members and consist of those members who support the Association by committing to regular attendance at committee meetings. 

(b) The committee shall elect officers, who will represent the Charity Trustees for Charity Law requirements, to include Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and other officers as necessary.  There, at all times, should be a minimum of 4 elected officers. The roles  of the elected officers may be shared between more than one individual should the need arise.  The Head Teacher of the school (or his/her nominated representative of staff) shall also be a non-elected officer of the committee, a role that does not entail being a  Trustee.

(c) Each of the officers shall retire every two years but be eligible for immediate re-election with the exception of the Treasurer who is not re-electable for one year thereafter.

(d) Any Committee member absent from meetings, for whatever reason, for a period of three months without submitting an apology for absence shall cease to be a member of the committee.

(e) The committee may appoint sub-committees as necessary.  Such sub-committees shall report to the committee regularly and act in accordance with terms agreed by the committee.

(f) The Head Teacher of the school shall have the right to attend committee meetings and be appraised of the activities of the Association.

5.         MEETINGS

(a) A minimum of one committee meeting shall be held each term.  A minimum of 5 committee members (to include 2 officers) shall constitute a quorum for a committee meeting.

(b) All committee members shall have one vote in a committee vote. The Chair holds the casting vote.

(c) Should an elected officer or Committee member have any personal interest in a matter being discussed, it is expected that they will declare their interest and leave the room or not take part in any vote as necessary.

(d) The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the Autumn term. The AGM will be considered quorate subject to the same conditions as paragraph 5 (a).

- All parents and staff shall be invited to attend in writing, at least 14 days in advance of the meeting.
– Officers of the committee shall present reports of the preceding year’s activities.
– Officers of the committee shall be elected for the following year.
– Nominations for the incoming elected officers positions will be announced and the new officers elected in appropriately.

(c) Special General Meetings may be called at the discretion of the elected officials or at the request of a minimum of 20 committee members.  This request must be made in writing and submitted to the committee chairman stating the objective of the special meeting. 

- Notice of 21 days must be given to all members of any special general meeting
– 20 members (to include a minimum of 5 committee members and representation from both parents and teachers) shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of passing resolutions put to a special general meeting.

6.         FINANCE

(a) The Treasurer shall keep accounts of all income and expenditure, in accordance with the Charities Act 1993 and shall be required to produce an appropriately externally scrutinised  set of finanicial statements reflecting the year’s records at the AGM.

(b) The Treasurer will also be responsible for preparing and submitting all other annual reports, returns and statements of account as required by Charity Law.

(c) The External Examiner shall be appointed by general agreement of the committee and may not be a member of the committee.

(d) Bank accounts shall be operated in the name of the Association and withdrawals shall be made on the signatures of two of the authorised signatories.  The Officers shall appoint authorised signatories.

(e) The Officers shall be responsible for the funds and properties of the Association.

(f) The property and funds of the Association must only be used for promoting the objectives of the Association.

(g) All money shall be spent at the discretion of the Head teacher of the School in consultation with staff and the committee.

(h) Members of the Association shall not receive payment either directly or indirectly for their services but shall be re-imbursed for expenses incurred on behalf of the Association.

(i) Any assets remaining on dissolution of the Association after satisfying any outstanding debts and liabilities shall be given to the school for the benefit of the children.

7.         GENERAL

(a) The Association shall take out public liability and personal accident insurance to cover its meetings, activities, officers and committee.(b) The Association acknowledges that the Head Teacher of the school should have the right of veto on all decisions, excepting changes to this constitution, at his/her sole discretion.

(c) No alteration to the constitution may be made except at the AGM or a special meeting called for this purpose.  Alterations shall receive the assent of two thirds of the members present and voting at an AGM or special general meeting.  In the event of a split vote, the Chairman shall have the casting vote. 

(d) Any matter not provided for in the Constitution shall be dealt with by the committee who decision shall be deemed final.