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- The new Learning Hub equiment (and the donor tree)
- 2x fans for each classroom
- The KS2 Trim Trail
- KS2 Activity Wall
- Large climbing frame in Reception
- Large KS1 climbing frame
- KS1 outdoor wooden train
- Ping Pong tables
- MUGA pitch
- Picnic area canopy
- E-safety training for parents and carers
- Class set of iPads
- LED whiteboard screens in the classrooms
- Computers for the ICT suite
- Equipment and books for the new KS2 library
- Playground equipment including balls, frisbees, etc.
- Wet play equipment
- Sports equipment for PE lessons
- The Christmas tree in the junior hall!
In addition, every year each class receives £300 enrichment fund from FoWE to spend on their pupils. In 2022-2023 this was used to fund or subsidise activities and trips including History-off-the-Page days, the farm visit in nursery and author visits.