Ofsted Report – November 2008

Effectiveness of the Early Years Foundation Stage – Grade: 1

“Outstanding provision enables the children to make excellent progress in all areas of learning and move on to their next stage at well above nationally expected levels. Thorough processes for assessing children’s abilities when they enter Nursery and rigorous ongoing assessments enable staff to plan very effectively for the needs of all children. Strong links with parents, supported by an effective programme of home visits, and other pre-school providers ensure that the children’s needs are met in every aspect. Well-informed planning, creative thinking and inspiring resources support children’s learning and development very successfully, enabling them to build up high levels of independence, curiosity and imagination. Their concentration and obvious enjoyment are seen in the children’s delight at using their observational skills to search for buried treasure in the sandpit and draw maps to show others how to find it. Children make excellent progress in their writing skills through both structured and unstructured opportunities to write and become authors. Staff provide a very good balance between activities that are directed by adults and those of the children’s own choosing. They encourage a strong awareness of safety and children’s understanding of their culture, fruits and healthy eating is developed very effectively through the story of ‘Handa’s Surprise’. The Foundation Stage leader and her staff work together to create a very effective team with high levels of consistency and a common sense of purpose.”

Effectiveness of the Early Years Foundation Stage

How effective is the provision in meeting the needs of children in the EYFS? 1
How well do children in the EYFS achieve? 1
How good is the overall personal development and well-being of the children? 1
How effectively are children in the EYFS helped to learn and develop? 1
How effectively is the welfare of children in the EYFS promoted? 1
How effectively is provision in the EYFS led and managed? 1

Grade 1 – Exceptionally and consistently high
Grade 2 – Generally above average with none significantly below average
Grade 3 – Broadly average to below average
Grade 4 – Exceptionally low